UFO MAJOR Forli 2016 Cheicabigul on SpringTime

UFO MAJOR Forli 2016
Cheicabigul on SpringTime
What a long journey! It was great time for me, I hope it was the same for everyone!
Chuck thank you very much! it was really nice to know you better and to have you here sharing your love for the sport. Lisa thank you for coming and helping me with Chuck!
Tina, Bettina, Ian thank your for coming!! I was too sad when you left, next time you need to stay longer!
Giulia, Barbara, Ettore, Irene, Frizz, Cega, Simone, Daniele grazie grazie grazie grazie grazie grazie grazie grazie!
To all the international starters thank you very much for coming!
A tutti i partecipanti grazie mille!
Un Mega Grazie agli sponsor: Forza10 e Supleneo!
Billy, poor Billy, I'm very sorry for that last round! Flower, Power, Love!
#adoptyourdogbehaviour #cheicabigul #ufowc #flowerpower #discdog #forza10 #supleneo #thankyou #seeyousoon