Pantegana, sweet Pantegana

Saturday Feller, Sergio and Filippo left Milano for a jam in Romagna. Just a jam, and a trip coming and back about 600Km in the same day. Wow! They would like to stop in Bologna, and jam with Manuel and Bologna jammers. The days before, without the mind on the problem, I said "ok, I'll come to Bologna!". But saturday morning I was like a little child, and when I wake up I was crying thinking: "no beach today?? I have to Bologna? In a park? I'm not going to jam on the beach??". I tryed desperatly to change the plans calling Manuel:
Me: "Good morning Manuel! It's a wonderful day! Let's go to the beach!" Manuel: "But it's going to rain!" Me: "Maybe in Bologna! It is not going to rain on the beach!"
I convinced all, at 15.00 pm we were all in Rimini, Pantegana Beach, under the rain. Clay was already jamming.. under a thin rain. I tryed to convince all the jammers:
"Come on! It's not raining!" They were not so happy. I tryed again: "ok, come on! in half an hour it'll stop to rain, and the wind will change"
I started to play with Clay. After some minute also Matteo came out, and then Sergio and Filippo. The rain wasn't so hard, we played for one hour may be. Then it stopped to rain, and also the sick Manuel came out to the jam. Unfortunately, the wind never changed, and we played all the time with a light wind from the earth.. Against the difficulty of the weather conditions, we played nostop from 15 to 19pm.
Feller showed up a lot of new skills from the last time we played together (a lot of time ago) , and it wasn't a surprise, because a lot of players from Milan said me that Teo was jumping into the next level. He is really emproved a lot, both for difficulty skills and coop and mobop skills.
Filo and Sergio confirmed their jammers powers, always ready to run for every disc.
Manuel started playing only when it stopped to rain, I'm so sorry about it. But he played almost 2 hours, or more, and in the last hour he fired up the jam with wonderful sets to every jammer.
At 19.00 I was playing with Teo, but we were without redlaser lens, and so we stopped the big "hardcore" jam.
The Milan jammers left very quickly with Manuel, and I was already thinking to jam again the next day.
On Sunday, there was a big sun, and I sent some sms to local jammers "FreeJamService: Reply YES if you wanna jam today". Claudio activated the service, and Clay also (always present!). We played on pantegana beach, the wind was 2-3 knots from the sea and there was a nice sun. Wonderful!
Claudio is learning every day, he is really amazing. We tryed also some spontaneous coops, but he knows that this is his weak point.
At 18.00 pm there were no more gas to spend, I was really exhaust.. but really happy for the jams of the weekend.
Just a remark about RickyBoy, that is far the jam since june.. we are loosing our SpaceJammer!! Come on RickyBoy!