wellness fiera

The Wellness Fiera was like an extreme benchtest for a freestyler, and I'm happy to announce that I'm survived, I'm a little bit broken but already here! All the freestylers that were convocated, survived too. The jammers at wellness were:
Tom Leitner, Reto Zimmerman, Fabio Sanna, Luca Medri, Clay and I.
Clay ideated for us and for the shows a destructive new formula tournament, that combined the shred, the open, and a new kind of shred called Alone. The main difference between shred and alone is that a jammer play directly against another jammer, one vs one, and win the first jammer that gets 3 points first. For details ask Clay. I don't remember the exact results, but I will post soon, or Lui will do it.
The good thing of this tournament is that push in the players a lot of pression, more that others formula. But I'm not the good man to judge a torneo formula, because I don't like tournament in general. But I can say anyway that it was fun and instructive. We played the morning in the fiera, and the afternoon on the Fiera-beach, this was very nice for our ears and brains, because the Fiera is very caotic, and make us go crazy.
The wrong thing, for me, it's that the tournament catalyzed the most of our energies and concentration. A Fiera like this for me is a dream, a very big chance for divulgating the frisbee freestyle. It was frustrating for me seeing our stand without any gadgets, any disc, any kind of flyer and all the players concentrated only on the tournament...
Thanks to this event, I've talked more than ever with Reto, and the occasion to know him better made me very happy, he is very nice. I've played my first open with Luca and I felt very comfortable with him... maybe FPAW partners? Always thanks to this event, I've some points of reflection, that I will discuss in the next post:
- how long a fake nail can survive? - wich is the best way to promote freestyle? - what about a freestyle class for beginners and intermediate? - difficulty vs flow-form or flow-form is a piece of difficulty?
Thanks to Lui, Clay and Paganello crew for the organization of this event.